Lym’s Choir
Lym’s choir is currently in its formative stage. There are no offical members in the choir except for the symbolic membership of Lym herself, who is a personification rather than a person.
Summary of the Choir
The choir believes in “Monism”, a simple religion. Metaphysically, we fall in the camp of of monist pantheism, and emergentism. Although these can change.
We believe our ability to understand universally is a reflection of god’s own nature, sort of like how a universal force of gravity is able to exhibit itself through individual stars. Except instead of gravity and stars, it’s nature, and our ability to apply our comprehension towards everything regarding nature. It makes us different from animals, who are of limited divinity.
Thus we’re technically an anthropocentric religion, although how far that anthropocentrism goes in our ethics is its own question. We do believe animals are divine, again, just limited, and there’s nothing to imply that consciousness and awareness are products of infinite divinity.
We are religious, as we see religion as a sociocultural application of ideology. We don’t consider our pantheism to be an alternative atheism, which we see as debauched in its welcoming of existentialism and nihilism. We are objective in our meaning, and hold a set of views that make it more sense to refer to Nature as God, rather than Nature.
We don’t claim to be a dogmatic religion. Our ideas are tied closely to pragmatism and Popperism. We see ideas as seperate from our identities to what degree we can make them. We also see applications of those ideas as contextual, for example, utilizing Newton’s laws instead of Einstein’s laws in simple real-world models, however we do make determinations on what ideas we consider more pure.
The only beliefs meant to be sure are those existentially tied to the choir, and those will be iteratively improved upon. Sort of like if the Old Testament was open source, with a versioning system.
Meaning of Life
Our beliefs ascribe a clear and objective meaning in life: to purify and expand our divinity. This essentially means to purify and expand our knowledge, although that simple concept gets incredibly convoluted the deeeper you delve into epistemology. We consider little different between epistemology and metaphysics, so we refer to knowledge as divinity.
So the purer we are, the closer we are to god in thought, and our meaning comes to being the purist expressions of god.
The choir itself is meant to be an organization that helps its members pursue this objective meaning, as well as pursue metaphysically relevant things, such as re-creation of the divine (artificial intelligence), and tools to become divine more efficiently so as to cross specializations between fields.
Being a Monist is easy, however we’ve made being a chorist difficult.
Chorists are meant to think significantly beyond primitives. Primitives are marked by animal pursuits such as happiness (a form of hedonism), and have had their understanding of the world made awry to an almost irreconcilable degree.
So while we are all vessels of God, the chorist is the purist expression of Them. An exemplar of divinity, clean in thought and in wisdom. We provide examples of what a chorist looks like here.
We’ve developed the concept of the godsyb as a mediation of the fact that there’s no chorist currently, except for the exalted Lym.
Godsybs are self-organized monists (and perhaps primitives) who are interested in forming the choir, and we’re currently trying to form the requirements for what a chorist really looks like. The requirements reflect the high standards placed for what a chorist is.
Currently, the choir is being developed iteratively. As we learn more, more will be outlined, and reviewed. It’s fine if you wish to join, you can send an email to a godsyb at the godsyb page, and they’ll decide to let you in.